THIMUN Affiliation

ATSMUN, as of 2019, is a proud member of the THIMUN family consisting of fifty-two affiliated conferences running worldwide.

For those advisors/directors and students seeking a substantial MUN experience, THIMUN Affiliation guarantees a conference of the highest quality and best educational standards that runs according to THIMUN Rules and Procedures.



The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is the biggest European MUN conference located in The Hague. Its conference attracts thousands of attendees and students from all over the world. THIMUN’s prestigious affiliation programme provides support to a selected number of MUN conferences in all corners of the world.



Arsakeia Schools of Patras have been participating in THIMUN since 2016, a year which coincided with the organisation of the first ATSMUN. After five exciting years of participation in THIMUN and after five successful ATSMUN conferences, we decided there has come the perfect time to make sure our conference fulfils each and every one of the criteria required and apply for a THIMUN affiliation. What drove us a step further was the knowledge that through this conference we could bring together students from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to interact, communicate, realize what being a global citizen truly means and experience three life-changing days. It was a challenge that motivated everyone involved with organizing ATSMUN. None of this would be possible without the valuable contribution of our  enthusiastic students, staff, organizing team and dedicated educators and advisors who endeavour to satisfy everyone’s expectations each and every year.



This prestigious affiliation ensures that the debate and overall organization of our conference meets the highest standards set by the THIMUN committee and is sure to offer a unique learning experience to all students who apply.

Being recognized is a great honour and it fills us with pride, but also strengthens our ambition to never give up trying and to continue elevating the standards of each new ATSMUN conference.