
GA4, GA6, SC: Committees for advanced delegates

GA1, UNDP, COP28, Marvel: Committees for intermediate and advanced delegates

GA3, ECOSOC: Committees for intermediate delegates

UNEP: Committee for beginner delegates

UNICEF: Committee for total beginners (12-14 years old)




Disarmament and International Security (GA1)

  • Hybrid Warfare: the future of war
  • Developing a multilateral agreement against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas


Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues (GA3)

  • Ethics of AI technologies and its human rights implications
  • Prevention of enforced disappearances in conflict affected zones


Special Political and Decolonization (GA4)

  • Addressing the issue of green colonialism
  • Discussing the repercussions of international intervention in cases of state sovereignty violation


Legal (GA6)

  • Application of universal jurisdiction for war crimes in Ukraine
  • The challenges of ownership and restitution of cultural artifacts




Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

  • Transforming the Economics and Governance of Water in the context of the African Crisis
  • Addressing the challenges of a transition to a green and circular economy in developing countries


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • AI in the service of creating a healthy environment and preventing future disease outbreaks
  • Reversing forest loss and degradation


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • ‘Future proofing’: enhancing disaster risk reduction and resilience schemes in crisis-affected states
  • Bridging the gender digital divide to ensure protection of SDGs


UNICEF (former YDF)

  • Safeguarding education in emergencies and crises
  • Ending child poverty


COP28 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC)

  • Keeping global warming to the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold
  • Phasing out of all fossil fuels


Security Council (SC)

  • Establishing a global response framework against terrorism and violent extremism
  • The situation in Libya


International Court of Justice (ICJ)

  • Guatemala vs. Belize


Council of Marvel

  • Vibranium: Measures to prevent its trafficking
  • The issue of providing asylum to Skrull refugees


You can download the 9th ATSMUN Agenda by clicking here.